For my installation, I am thinking to using Wii remote.
A main feature of the Wii Remote is its motion sensing capability, which allows the user to interact with and manipulate items on screen via gesture recognition and pointing through the use of accelerometer and optical sensor technology.
All video projectors use a very bright light to project the image, and most modern ones can correct any curves, blurriness, and other inconsistencies through manual settings.
Video projectors are widely used for many applications, such as project the video to the wall and audience can interact the application through the wall projection. Of course that's will be software for detection.
Web Cam
A webcam is a video camera that feeds its images in real time to a computer or computer network, often via USB, ethernet, or Wi-Fi.
Webcam Zone Trigger
Connect a webcam to your PC and have it react to many kinds of motion. Webcam Zone Trigger is the first multi-purpose motion detection software. This means that motion detection isn't just for security anymore.
Simply place Hot Spots anywhere on the video image, move them around and resize them. They detect motion within this area, and when triggered, they perform the actions that you have selected.
Adobe Flash
Adobe After Effect
-To create motion graphic, add effect
-create the flash video or motion graphic by using the flash and then edit or add some effect by using after effect.
Vandalism may be perpetrated whenever the opportunity exists. It often occurs on school property after hours, in public parks after dark and on vacant premises. Vandals usually do their mischief when they think that no one will see them and/or when no one is likely to stop them. It releases toxic chemicals into the environment when sprayed. This includes aerosol which leads to global warming, by prevent heat from exiting the earth's atmosphere. It is also aesthetically unpleasing to a lot of people.
If somehow create graffiti that is does not have these terrible chemicals and used as positive art than it would be good, but how?
So my idea is to create an interactive graffiti wall.
Digital Graffiti Wall for Converse
My idea is to combine the function of these 2 interactive art pieces,
-Basically, this is an installation are which detect audience movement to growing the graffiti template, and then audience can play coloring on the interactive wall by using the spray can.
-The technical part apply that using a projector, wii remote and PC.
-About the software part, I am thinking to use After effect and flash to do the growing animation template.
-I will focus on the graphic part which is my favor. The graphic on screen can be various type of graffiti templates.
The aim and objectives of this installation are:
- To reduce and prevent Vandalism
- to experience the fun of graffiti but does not cause any crime
-to protect the environment
This is an interactive projection wall shown seamlessly by four DLP projectors on a 45x12 rear projection screen. The concept was simple enough: 45 feet of grass swaying in a virtual breeze. Visitors to the installation can make the grass sway just by walking in front of it. Additionally, visitors can input text from either of the two kiosks positioned in front of the screen. This text appears in the projection attached to its own grass blade and sways along with the rest of the scene.
using some fairly sophisticated programming and tracking hardware, peoples' movements are recorded and translated into an animated mixed-media mural that reflects the creative license afforded by the new Adobe CS3 software package. From left to right, the mural evolves from simplicty to complexity as more elements are introduced.
In an effort to establish new platforms for public art and performance, the multimedia duo SWEATSHOPPE has developed a new interactive technology that enables them to explore the relationship between video, mark making and architecture.
The latest Wordpower Dictionarysays graffiti is “unauthorized writing or drawing on a surface in a public place.” It includes the horrible scribble you see painted or scrawled on fences, bridges, in subways, on the sides of buildings, houses, and elsewhere (also called tagging). Most of it is garbage that looks like 5-year-olds have done it. But some of it is colorful and might look artistic if it hadn't destroyed someone's property.
And that is the problem with graffiti — it is “unauthorized”, as the dictionary says, and it destroys someone's property. It is a crime, like stealing, because it steals the property owner's right to have their own property look clean and nice. And it makes repairs costly for the property owner; graffiti scribblers never offer to pay the cost of repairing their destruction, which may cost thousands of dollars.
Vandalism such as graffiti is usually done by the younger generation as they are influenced by the more experienced artists as mentioned, therefore they usually get in trouble by writing swear words which little kids can see and doing graffiti on walls, where they are not allowed to or have permission to do it. The stereotype image of a graffiti artist is no good nicks that do it just to annoy and disrupt the community.
Why Graffiti Matters?
Graffiti is an ongoing and significant issue our community.
It has a detrimental effect on the image and well-being of the city.
Graffiti vandalism negatively impacts on feelings of safety, property values and the well-being of our city. If it is not removed soon after it appears, it can become a magnet for more.
Graffiti vandalism or tagging is the illegal or unauthorised defacing of property (such as buildings, walls, fences or vehicles), with drawings, symbols or words. It is different from urban art, which refers to drawings, symbols or words on property, done with the property owner's consent.
Taggers see their tags as ownership of a space. Taggers are persistent, so certain areas tend to be repeatedly hit.
The council is committed to the eradication of graffiti vandalism in the city, but we also need the help from our communities.
Graffiti will always have a bad name
A few property owners pay to have colorful murals and other large-scale paintings on their walls and fences. Although some people try to say this is graffiti while the unauthorized scribble is “tagging”, the dictionary does not make a distinction. That's because graffiti already has a bad meaning in people's minds, so people who think they are “good” graffitists will need to find another word if they hope to make a positive impression.
At the city of Oxnard, the city council hereby finds and determines that graffiti is a public nuisance and that the health, safety and welfare of the city's residents shall be furthered by the establishment of a graffiti prohibition and removal program; sales, possession, and storage regulations for graffiti implements; and a reward for apprehension of persons damaging, destroying, or defacing public or private property.
Graffiti vandals believe their actions harm no one. The reality is graffiti hurts everyone: homeowners, communities, businesses, schools, and you. And, those who practice it risk personal injury, violence, and arrest.
Transportation, property, and retail sales
"Graffiti contributes to lost revenue associated with reduced ridership on transit systems, reduced retail sales and declines in property value. In addition, graffiti generates the perception of blight and heightens fear of gang activity" reports the U.S. Department of Justice.1 The appearance of graffiti is often perceived by residents and passers-by as a sign that a downward spiral has begun, even though this may not be true.
Patrons of buildings, parks, or public facilities where graffiti vandalism has occurred may feel that if graffiti is tolerated, then other more serious crimes, such as theft and assault, may also go unchallenged.
Schools and youth
In schools, 52% of public high schools and 47% of middle schools reported incidents of vandalism during the 1996-1997 school years. Data shows little difference between cities, towns, and rural areas. Additionally, about 36% of students saw hate-related graffiti at school. (U.S)
Clean up costs
Many communities, private property owners, and public agencies the cost is rising each year.
It shall be unlawful for any person to place graffiti on or apply graffiti to any public, private, or personal property located within the city without permission of the owner of the property.
Why do people draw graffiti?
Some people think it's cool or they are trying to impress other people. Some people do it to become more popular or to defy authority. Some people want to express their frustration, anger or revenge and don't know how else to do it. Street gangs also use graffiti to mark their territory.
If You Spray... This is What You Will Pay!
-In the City of Oxnard, graffiti vandals are now subject to $1,000 per graffiti offense. The parents of minors convicted of graffiti vandalism are now responsible for the payment of the fine(s).
-Convicted graffiti vandals can serve of community service , jail time and/or face felony charges.
-Convicted graffiti vandals could also face revocation of their Drivers License.
What is the best way to prevent graffiti?
Graffiti Hurts advocates a three-pronged approach to graffiti prevention.
First, educate citizens about graffiti vandalism and empower them to take action. This includes targeted prevention strategies for businesses, homeowners, and other residents. And provide a way for citizens to report graffiti vandalism.
Second, remove graffiti promptly. While this may be difficult, studies show that removal within 24 to 48 hours results in a nearly zero rate of reoccurrence. Once graffiti is cleaned up, work to change the environment so that it does not occur again in that location. Simple Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) strategies, such as changing lighting, landscape, and access to property are effective prevention tools.
Finally, ensure consistent enforcement of local ordinances with strict penalties for graffiti vandalism. Work with local law enforcement to ensure anti-graffiti laws are enforced, and that there is follow through in the court system.
Video about Graffiti Crime
From the NYC transit authority, a 1988 video about the consequences of painting graffiti in the subway.
This commercial highlights the role of Crime Stoppers in dealing with graffiti.
In modern times, paint, particularly spray paint, and marker pens have become the most commonly used graffiti materials. In most countries, marking or painting property without the property owner's consent is considered defacement and vandalism, which is a punishable crime. Graffiti may also express underlying social and political messages and a whole genre of artistic expression is based upon spray paint graffiti styles. Within hip hop culture, graffiti has evolved alongside hip hop music, b-boying, and other elements.Unrelated to hip-hop graffiti, gangs use their own form of graffiti to mark territory or to serve as an indicator of gang-related activities.
-art is fun
-anti vandalism
When you come upon street art, on the street, it can be an overwhelming experience. Since you're never sure when or where you'll make such a discovery, it comes as a visual surprise, a dazzling visual surprise; dazzling, because of the combination of dynamic, well executed graphic, the texture of the wall it is painted on, and the entire street setting, all of it coming at you at once.
Basically the Interactive wall will generates graphics based on motion.
Review, Analysis and Precedence Studies:
Design Approach:
the design is going to be an interactive wall
In modern times, paint, particularly spray paint, and marker pens have become the most commonly used graffiti materials. In most countries, marking or painting property without the property owner's consent is considered defacement and vandalism, which is a punishable crime. Graffiti may also express underlying social and political messages and a whole genre of artistic expression is based upon spray paint graffiti styles. Within hip hop culture, graffiti has evolved alongside hip hop music, b-boying, and other elements.Unrelated to hip-hop graffiti, gangs use their own form of graffiti to mark territory or to serve as an indicator of gang-related activities.
-art is fun
-anti vandalism
When you come upon street art, on the street, it can be an overwhelming experience. Since you're never sure when or where you'll make such a discovery, it comes as a visual surprise, a dazzling visual surprise; dazzling, because of the combination of dynamic, well executed graphic, the texture of the wall it is painted on, and the entire street setting, all of it coming at you at once.
Basically the Interactive wall will generates graphics based on motion.
Review, Analysis and Precedence Studies:
Design Approach:
the design is going to be an interactive wall
Why not resolve to plant some trees every year? If each of us plants one little tree, it can amount to a great amount of afforestation making the environment healthier. Increasing the use of bicycles or making a habit to walk down short distances can contribute to reduction in air pollution. Try to minimize the use of vehicles. Use CFC-free products. For some destinations, the use of vehicles has no better options. But at least maintain your vehicles; clean their exhaust pipes, keep the pollution they cause under strict control.
Aim & Objective: -everyone should care about the environment
-save the environment
We frequently talk about saving our environment and how important it is to conserve the natural resources. Since the school years we have been learning about the importance of a healthy environment. Environmental education has made us realize the need to preserve our natural wealth. But when did you last take a step towards saving the environment? The impact we have on the environment today is making a big difference on the world of future generations. Heck, it’s making an impact right now in a lot of places. It’s our responsibility to care for our planet and ensure our future well-being.
Ideation & Concept:
Basically the Interactive wall will generates graphics based on motion.
Review, Analysis and Precedence Studies:
Design Approach:
the design is going to be an interactive wall
One of the greatest problems that the world is facing today is that of environmental pollution, increasing with every passing year and causinggrave and irreparable damage to the earth. Environmental pollution consists of five basic types of pollution, namely, air, water, soil, noise and light.
Air pollution is by far the most harmful form of pollution in our environment. Air pollution is cause by the injurious smoke emitted by cars, buses, trucks, trains, and factories, namely sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.
Water pollution caused industrial waste products released into lakes, rivers, and other water bodies, has made marine life no longer hospitable. Humans pollute water with large scale disposal of garbage, flowers, ashes and other household waste.
Noise pollution, soil pollution and light pollution too are the damaging the environment at an alarming rate. Noise pollution include aircraft noise, noise of cars, buses, and trucks, vehiclehorns, loudspeakers, and industry noise, as well as high-intensity sonar effects which are extremely harmful for the environment.
Soil pollution, which can also be called soil contamination, is a result of acid rain, polluted water, fertilizers etc., which leads to bad crops.
Light Pollution includes light trespass, over-illumination and astronomical interference.
Aim & Objective:
i) to raise the awareness on pollution and environmental issue.
ii) develop a more caring attitude to all things that can effect the health and safty of this planet.
I believe that nobody wants to live in a world filled with smog. It’s hard to breathe, it smells bad, and it causes untold numbers of health problems. A major concern of many people is that going green will require a huge change in lifestyle. You can do a lot for the environment while improving your lifestyle at the same time. For example,If you’re the type of person who appreciates new technology, then supporting the green industry is an easy choice. So save the environment and improve you lifestyle.
Ideation & Concept:
Overall is a interactive decor where the audience can position the real art pieces (car, bus, factory building etc ) on an illuminated table and then the screen will show how the thing pollute the environment and its effect by animation.
Review, Analysis and Precedence Studies:
The rapid environmental pollution of our planet started with the industrial revolution.
Noise pollution is one of the most neglected forms of pollution despite causing huge environmental damage, especially in oceans. For instance, U.S. still doesn’t have some federal body that would regulate noise pollution.
Smog is one of the worst forms of air pollution. It is mostly created by fossil fuel power plants (coal burning).
More than 15,000 people in the world die each day because of water pollution.
Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging items (often with symbolic significance) in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect.
Broadly, urbanism is a focus on cities and urban areas, their geography, economies, politics, social characteristics, as well as the effects on, and caused by, the built environment.
Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.
Ecology is the scientific study of the relations that living organisms have with respect to each other and their natural environment.
As a guide to conceptualize your project, consider these questions:
1) How to create socially-engaged art/ design that address this issue (in a mediated environment)?
2) How to encourage dialogue around ecological and social issues in your project?
3) How to explain the science of ecology (i.e. environmental problems such as threatened landscapes and endangered species) using art and technology?
4) How to shape perception and experience of our changing environment.
5) Explore the relationship between nature and technology.
6) Explore the relationship (impact of) urbanization on the ecosystem.
7) Investigates issues of biology and the history of science and technology
8) How do our consumer behaviors impact the natural environment?
9) How to increase the public's awareness of the consequences of urbanization for the natural habitat of flora and fauna?
10) Challenge current social, political and economic systems, how?
11) What are urban cultures and urban living patterns?
The resulting project can be in the form of multimedia work or digital art but it is not limited to these medium:
multimedia work:
infographics, interactive installation, interactive system, website, social media, games
digital art:
digital imagery, digital photography, installation, net art, video art, public art