Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Research- Frustration (new)

Feeling frustrated?

We all get frustrated from time to time and it is perfectly normal. Hurting your head can cause the worst kind of frustration. You can’t do the things you want to do, when you want to do them. Your progress towards getting better can seem so slow and you often can’t do things you used to do.
You feel frustrated when everything seems to be going wrong or is not what you expected and there seems very little you can do about it.

Feeling frustrated can make you feel like life is getting on top of you. And there is nothing you can do about it. Feeling frustrated can make you:
-Feel stressed
-Feel out of control.

These are terrible feelings. We can usually cope with one at a time, but when you feel frustrated you feel all of them at once and this can be really frightening.
What to do when you feel frustrated?

A big problem with feeling frustrated is that you can put yourself under pressure to come up with all the answers. Sometimes our problems can be really big and we need help from other people too.

It can also be frustrating that we can’t solve all of our problems ourselves. We all want to be independent and when we have to get other people involved all the time we can really get upset.

First things first, think about:

1. Why do you feel frustrated? Is there something in particular which is making you feel cross or is it lots of things? Maybe ask your a friend or parent to write them down.

2. Look at each problem one at a time It is easy to feel frustrated when we have lot of things getting on top of us all at the same time. Look at your problems one at a time.

3. Which problems are causing you the most upset? it’s a good idea to look at your problems and think about which one is upsetting you the most. This will help you to prioritise, which means looking to see which problem needs sorting out first.

4. Is there anything you can do? Have a good think, are these problems easily solved by something you can do or do they need other people to help you?

5. Can I fix my problems quickly? Some problems can be really easy to solve. If you have lots of little problems they can all get on top of you and leave you feeling quite frustrated. If they are little problems, what can you do to sort them out?

6. Is there anyone I know who can help me with my problems? When we think about it, there is usually someone else who can help with our problems. A problem shared is a problem solved. Think about who you know. Will anyone be able to help you with anything?

It’s hard to solve any problem when you are so busy worrying about them, worrying can use a lot of energy. Problems that you used to have may seem bigger since you’ve hurt your head. You will spend sometime adjusting to all sorts of things in life and one of those things is learning to cope with frustration when your problems are getting on top of you.

 Perhaps you're feeling trapped; perhaps you're so angry that you no longer wish to speak to anyone, not even your closest friends; perhaps you're feeling so sad and upset that you're having a hard time leaving yourself alone; or, maybe you're somewhere in between. Regardless of how you're feeling, though, it is absolutely essential to learn how to express your emotions in a productive manner. Everyone knows that it's unhealthy (and rather stressful) to keep your feelings on the inside, as people who do often end up in a bad way. Once you learn how to properly vent these emotions, you'll be able to communicate with others - as well as yourself - much better. It's not always easy to express your feelings, but it's rewarding when you do.

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